The Lament Configuration
The Hellraiser Puzzle Box
Succumb to the dark forces that draw you to where pain and pleasure become one.
This Lament Configuration is both an attractive piece of decor, and a functional device to play with and impress your friends (or foes). Touching the sides causes it to stir in various ways, emitting particles and unsettling sounds (in addition to its subtle sleeping sound). Another touch finds it back at rest, ready for more. But touch the top center circle, and it comes fully awake in a dazzling display - the puzzle solved, the box opening and closing and summoning dark forces that would have you for their own personal plaything. A near escape, if you are not too close at the time.
But be so bold as to take a seat and become actively involved, and you will become the victim of your own desire. Your touch calls, the box answers, otherworldly vapors seeking and finding their (willing?) target. If you dare to solve the puzzle while seated before it, there are no near escapes; you have been found, and the forces that work through the box will reach out and drag you into their dimension. Fortunately an eternity of suffering in that place spans only a few seconds in our world, so you will be returned shortly; let us hope you are wiser for the experience.
Also includes a partially functional super-low-prim model (2 prims) for casual display purposes.
Antonelli's Animation Products
Miss Cedarbridge
don't buy this people its another rip off no sounds all this box does is twist and turns and it boring watching it do that
It will tear your soul apart!
No, seriously, it will...
I think this is a great start, but it only has one puzzle, the final solution (though the most important). I would love to see more puzzles implemented, the corner, Leviathan's shape, and of course the half puzzle. Very nice job though!