.Hoof Hearted. Western Pleasure Saddle Set (black version) for BC quarter horses

Ride the range in style! Fitted perfectly for the BC mesh quaterhorse avatars.
Beautifully detailed with embossed leather and metal accents.
Tack set includes:
Western saddle
Breast collar
Matching embossed bridle
Western saddle pad
The photo doesn't do this set justice, it really is a beauty in world ^.^
Perfect for western roleplay, trail rides, rodeo- or just the pleasure of looking good.
*copy/some mod- the bridle and breast strap are mod, saddle/saddle pad are not*
(brown version and matching saddle stand can be found below in the related items ^.^)
See item in Second LifeWestern My Pleasure!
These saddles are the BEST western style saddles out there!
Wow! Amazing!
Well made, the textures are well done and the mesh is great! Fits my horse perfect! I will be getting everything from this store!!
L$ 475
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