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"Immortal Lovers" Romantic Addon Table (copy, boxed)

"Immortal Lovers" Romantic Addon Table  (copy, boxed)
"Immortal Lovers" Romantic Addon Table  (copy, boxed)
4 Avis

This is a Halloween deco set for any haunted house, vampires mansión or spooky room, perfect as add on for our "Inmortal lovers" dining room set for couples or also out haunted living room set.

A decorative little set that works perfect for any room with a touch of Halloween love!.

This set includes:

:❉: Black Wooden Side table (4 LI)

:❉: Antique Lace doilie (1 LI)

:❉: Gothic Mirror, when an avatar approaches, a ghostly couple becomes visible & hearable. (2 LI)

:❉: Animated Portrait Picture of a couple (3 LI) (something seems not right with them? well they´d promised to be together forever when they got married!).

:❉: A magical Halloween Jar (11 LI) showing an animated Lovescene "True love lasts forever"

Special for decorating couples home son Halloween!

***If you like our work, please leave us a review! We will love hearing from you! ***

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • halloween love
  • haunted decoration
  • haunted house
  • Spooky Picture frame, spooky mirror
  • halloween living room
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very scary!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/9/2017 de DaTruth1

We had a cruise and we used this for one of the hallways and boy was this fun. When you walk up to the mirror a image appears that"s ghostly and it makes noises. A halloween Jar that if you touch it it moves the top off the jar.

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Lovely addition
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 20/9/2016 de Allie Carpathia

This charming set sits in my foyer for the holidays and it fits in with anything dark and spooky. It adds a very realistic element to your decor, as well as has the options of turning the anims and sound on and off. Just perfect!

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L$ 499

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<HEART HOMES> for Aphrodite Shop.
Vendu par : Jaylin Whitewood

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