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[Jammin] Wooden Pier Set - C/M/T Version 2

[Jammin] Wooden Pier Set - C/M/T
[Jammin] Wooden Pier Set - C/M/T
3 Avis

Please Note: A copy/mod only version of this product is also available.

Viewing In-World is highly recommended - see the link below.

A set for creating wooden piers, completely modular to enable any shape you desire. Advanced materials have been fully utilized to create wet wood effects of varying degrees.

Version 2: Snow material/texture sets and tweaked mesh components.

2 assembled structures are included, to be used as-is, modified, or simply as guides for assembly of your own.

Both components are less than 1 Land-Impact each. Link together wherever possible to save on prims.

Very easy setup, designed to snap together at 4m intervals, but also completely scalable to fit as needed.

Designed so that the top surface can sit at varying levels above water, there are 4 material setups for the sides - snow-covered (new in V2), dry, half-wet, and full-wet, and 3 for the top - snow-covered (new in V2), wet, and dry.

Please note, the 'pier top' mesh is a single-sided plane. If you need to be able to see the underside of your pier, this mesh can be replaced with a rectangular prim to give you a top and bottom face. Alternatively, use two top meshes, flipping the bottom upside down. This will be higher in LI than using a single prim, but you may find it easier to set up.

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You may modify and use this product (definition of 'Product' below) as part of your own creations. Your creations must meet the definition of 'Derivative Work' below.

You may onsell resultant creations with copy, modify or copy/modify permissions.

You may NOT onsell resultant creations with copy/modify/transfer permissions.

You may NOT redistribute this product or any part thereof as-is. This includes texture/mesh packs and free/bonus products.

You may NOT distribute (see definition of 'Distribute' below) or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life with exception of the Second Life Marketplace.

'Product' is defined as every item that comes with the purchase, including textures, mesh components and linksets.

'Distribute' is defined as any form of transfer or publishing, be it by print, copy, distribution, disclosure, selling or sharing.

'Derivative Work' is defined as a work different enough from the original to be regarded as a 'new work or a work containing a substantial amount of new material.

© Copyright 2013-2014, IvanBenjammin, Jammin. All rights reserved.

Thanks for visiting Jammin - you won't be disappointed! IM or notecard IvanBenjammin if you have any trouble or questions.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Modular Pieces
  • Low Land-Impact
  • Easy Setup
  • Diffuse, Normal and Specular Maps
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Great product
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 29/5/2017 de Moril

Another great product! Good quality for a good price!
Very easy to assemble and create differents types of wooden pier

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 4/3/2015 de Keanu Kharg

Good looking, nice LOD and excellent customer service.

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L$ 799

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Jammin - Mesh & Materials
Jammin - Mesh & Materials
Vendu par : IvanBenjammin

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