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KK Fantasy: Storm Giant Male

KK Fantasy: Storm Giant Male
KK Fantasy: Storm Giant Male
2 Avis

I figured some guys would want this toy so I had to make the male version.

This is a full male storm giant avatar. Approxmiate height is 5 meters or 19 feet. That's the infamous away noob on the ground for size comparison.

The armor is rigged mesh and can be removed if you want to wear something else. The body is NOT anatomically correct. I'm sure you have a prim willy if you need one.

Let me make a few things clear so no one says they didn't know...

1. There is no hair. You can stretch prim hair and wear it. Mesh hair will not work because it wasn't designed for this mesh.

2. If you want other clothing you can only wear prim clothes. Mesh clothing will not work because it wasn't designed for this mesh. Texture clothing does not work on mesh bodies.

3. You can still walk through small doors and still walk at the same speed. Nothing I can do about it.

4. You can modify the shape somewhat. Some of the sliders will work in edit appearance, others will not. So, yes, you can give yourself short arms and tiny hands if you so desire.

5. The mesh body itself is no modify. Even if it wasn't, you can't edit a rigged mesh. It has no effect.

Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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Amazing and Realistic
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 6/10/2022 de Loff Auer

I have purchased rivers of giant Avis from many creators and this is the only one I can call complete, movements, shapes, details, easy-use... I love the fact we can strip it from all accessories, big plus... Excellent value for cost... Is 5,5 meters high, if this creator makes bigger Avis, like 10 meters high, I will come running and buy, even if more expensive than this one...

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very nice
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 30/6/2013 de OniSlayer

very nice

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L$ 349

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Kaelin's Infernal Moods
Vendu par : Kaelin Westland

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