
Détails Caractéristiques Contenu 1 Avis


The Wild Maple tree comes with a curved stem giving an arch like appearance and a unique look making it a excellent addition to your gardens or landscapes. It comes animated and has an easy to use menu to give you a choice of 4 seasons as-well as being 100% mesh with realistic textures. The Land Impact is just 7 Li but as both copy/mod can be resized to suit your needs.

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  • 4 Seasons Menu
  • 100% Mesh
  • Realistic Textures
  • Instant Rez
  • No Lag


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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/10/2017 de isidora Gant

OMG !!! This tree is wonderful, its leaves are beautiful, the perfect color and I love its shape. As always, a perfect product of this store, you will not regret buying it.

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Little Branch
Little Branch
Vendu par : Cari McKeenan

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