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Luxury Fantasies Couple Massage Table

Luxury Fantasies Couple Massage Table
Luxury Fantasies Couple Massage Table
8 Avis

Its a beautiful sunny day to spend with your love? Or maybe you come home from a hard day of work`?
Why not indulge in a luxurious bath, and do yourself (and your love) some truly comfy luxury? Spoil her or him with a luxurious massage!

This Table is part of a Bathroom that was made for those couple who want a dream of luxury within your own 4 walls.


This Table lets you fulfill you dream of relaxation with 18 loving PG Couple Massages

Have a look:

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Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Colorchange 7 diffrent leathers
  • comes with multiple decorative Towels + Lotions
  • 18 tender couple PG massages
  • Rezzes modesty towel when needed
  • gives multiple props
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 20/5/2018 de GiaCintaVolTolini

Excellent Piece to add to your spa for your home or business look through the MP for more items from this creator as i have all the pieces and sets that they have made and have made myself a beautiful oasis for my home and business

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 8/7/2016 de NikiHymen

quality product with realistic animations..would highly recommend

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L$ 499

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<HEART HOMES> for Aphrodite Shop.
Vendu par : Jaylin Whitewood

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This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Impact sur le terrain : 3