High quality Mesh knit boots.
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So cute, very detailed!
These are by far some of the cutest boots I've seen in SL. Amazing detail & they fit perfectly, well worth buying these. And only L$5! Extremely good deal.
awesome boots :D
well i bought them a little bit scary cause this porduct havent any good reviews but omg when i wear them i change my mind; they are just simply perfect i just have to edit a little bit the position to make they fit well but was really easy, what a cute boots besides the alpha layer makes they fit even better they look simply perfect i love them ♥_♥
Ok Ok I know these boots were only 5L. But what a disappointment when I put them on and they were attached just under my knees. I couldn't move them (mesh!). I contacted the creator via NC and got no response. Too bad because they looked like nice boots..if they had been on my feet -_-