G Général

mm_y15 ver1.0 Version 1.0

mm_y15 ver1.0

Michie Marine 15feet Sailing Yacht

Sailing engine is Fling Fizz Boat kit

raise Raise the sails and start sailing.
lower Lower the sails and stop sailing.
moor Lower the sails and stop sailing.

panorama Temporarily view the boat and its surrounding using a high panoramic camera angle. The use of this feature is limited.
control Change the responsibilites of the crew and helmsman. Everytime the command is typed, the boat changes to the next possible option.
gybe Same as pressing Shift-Left/Right a few times to switch to the other side of the boat. Can be used for extra fast gybing/tacking
reduce lag Switch of excess functions to make the scripts less heavy for the SL servers
eject Eject an unwanted passenger

id #999 Set the boat id to 999 (can be any number between 1 and 999). The id will be shown op top of the mast as soon as the boat accepts the race parameters from a WWC setter.

show sails port Raise sails but do not start sailing (for display purposes only)
show sails starboard Raise sails but do not start sailing (for display purposes only)
hide sails Hide the sails
remember dock Remember the current location, rotation and sim for future docking
dock If in the correct sim, the boat will move back to its preset docking location

lock If issued, the boat can only be used by the owner as the helmsman (this is the default setting)
unlock Unlocks the boat, so everybody is welcome to use it as the helmsman

set server key Set the UUID key of the server to request updated versions of the boat
updated version Request the latest version of the boat

apply textures Apply the textures and colors from a predefined notecard. Standard available notecards are: apply textures bashful rose, apply textures summer sneaker, apply textures black flame (see Customising)
set color Change the color of a certain part of the boat (see Customising)

apply textures <notecardname> Change the texture and color of each part of the yacht from the note card.

Happy Sailing!

Note moyenne : full star full star full star empty star empty star
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Cute boat but...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 11/8/2019 de LyricalBookworm

This little boat is adorable, but it is really hard to sail.

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How did I miss this !
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/6/2018 de rasterscan

Having spent THOUSANDS on nice boats I then discover this AWESOME little yacht. It's Perfect ! Built in working compass and speed indicator. When moored, can use arrow keys or WASD to punt about slowly, great for sight seeing. Fascinating command set will show how versatile this good looking yacht is. Sits 2 avatars. I'm going to make a hud for controlling it and will put on MP. Check out the command set, sailors !

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