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Shirt Rigged Mesh 5 sizes
Copy, no modify, no transfer
Mesh clothing can only be seen correctly with the latest SL Viewer!
Those whom are not using the updated viewer will not be able to see the mesh.
Rigged meshes will automatically adapt to certain shape-sliders, while not to others:
Body fat, breast size, butt size, belly size, muscles, love handles and saddle bags do NOT influence the mesh item. All length sliders, body thick, hip and shoulder width DO influence the mesh item.
This shirt is too black! my avatar as if painted in black in Microsoft Paint... And texture bad. Well, that shirt cost so cheap, otherwise I would very much regretted the purchase.
wonderful work!
I'll be honest, I have not cared for the mesh clothes as a general rule. I understand the appeal, but I jut haven't been able to find any that didn't make me feel like I should have to resize my body (a body I have spent the last year or more perfecting) in order to fit the mesh. So, I am super pleased with this shirt. Thank you for making such a wonderful product and making it affordable.