MultiPurpose Texture Changer & Color Picker Version Professional Scripts for Creators - Extended Edition HUD

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Create your own HUD(s) with PROFESSIONAL TEXTURA CHANGER & ADVANCED COLOR PICKER HUD. Is an Custom Changing System script designed for creators and personal use. Included multipurpose tools to resize, specular and normal map, alpha mode, retexture, transparency, glow, bright, shininess..

· The Texture & Color Change HUD is equipped with multiple tools to modification of the visual properties of its creacions for multiple objects and faces.

· The System features with a Advanced Color Picker to recolor the selected items from the submenu. Very useful to select custom color for different parts and faces (nails and skin color, clothing items, buildings, environments .. etc).

· Include UUID ENCODE function to automatically hide the UUID of the textures and does not allow to get them.

- Works easily on all kinds of objects and also is trained to modify the properties of ALPHA MODE, SPECULAR and NORMAL MAP.

· The Changing System is a FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE universal HUD system for multi purpose, with an easy and quick setup, with UNLIMITED BUTTONS and combinations, with or without the use of notecard. The buttons can be set to: fixed value, increase or decrease the value, or act as a switch with default or fixed values.

· The Change System uses ONLY ONE SCRIPT in your HUD and a script in your target object. Scripts are provided with Smart Control Script - self-control system to reduce the lag to a minimum.


- FAST and EASY Setup:
- COLOR PICKER - Advanced Custom Fields Color Picker with Submenus for different item selections.
- ENCODE UUID - function to automatically hide the UUID of the textures.
- SINGLE ACTION - Apply several modifications on different prims with a click.
- MULTIPLE ACTION - Apply multiple actions on different sides of one or more prims, with a single click.
- HELPER SCRIPTS to easy configuration.
- SINGLE CLICK - Apply changes in textures, color and transparency with a single click.

- MODULES - Includes complete modules one prim (PLUG & PLAY).
- CUSTOM CHANNEL - custom channel for each HUD
- CUSTOM MENUS - 6 different menus available.
- CUSTOM DISPLAY - Customize your display into a prim or link your own model (creation) to display.
- CUSTOM BUTTONS - Creating custom buttons: switcher, with fixed values ​​or increase and decrease.
- HIDE/SHOW function that can be applied to different faces and objects.
- BLING Switcher with default function included. You can also use your own bling script.

- Advanced Resizer System with Stretch Axis function.
- Configurable resize mesh prim module.
- Create and configure custom resize buttons according to the needs.

- Default pose animation + three optional standing poses.
- Create and configure custom Standing Pose buttons according to the needs.

- Default Walk Sound included.
- Configurable Sound Volume mesh prim module.
- Create and configure custom sound volume buttons / switchers according to the needs.

- GROUP - Invitation to group
- WEBSITE - Load Website
- MESSAGE Sender
- API DEV - to communicate with your own scripts (automatic group inviter, subscription kiosk, bling ...) This function has some variables needed for communication.


- License
- Detailed User Manual.
- Operating Scripts (no mod)
- Builder Pack - Pose Animations, Textures, Modules, Example HUD, Example Color Picker (full perm)
- Helper Scripts Pack (no mod)
- Quick Start Pack - Guide Samples HUDs and Target objects.



By buying the product license, you will be recorded in our database to facilitate future upgrades and product enhancements.

- This product was designed exclusively for personal use and content creation.
- Do not sell, share or distribute this product in whole, or in part with MOD permissions or FULL PERM.
- Do not sell, share or distribute this product in whole, or in part with COPY and TRANSFER permissions ENABLED.
- Do not sell, share or distribute this product in whole, or in part with products that are not your own creations.
- Do not sell, share or distribute this product in whole, or in part to anyone while you are using one of your alternate accounts.

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  • Unlimited buttons, fast and easy setup.
  • Only one script in the HUD and one script in your creation
  • Advanced Custom Fields Color Picker with Submenus for different item selections
  • Changes of properties Size, Texture, Color, Transparency, Glow, Bright, Shiny
  • Including Pose Animations, Default Walk Sound, Textures, Models

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Completísimoo y realmente práctico !!

Publié le 4/12/2013 de Hanstrid Inshan 5 étoiles

Felicidades por este gran trabajo y gracias por las facilidades que nos brindas con él.
Realmente un hud super completo y práctico. Fácil de usar y con miles de aplicaciones.
Super recomendable !!

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Gran hud,todo en uno,ideal para diseñadores

Publié le 3/12/2013 de Rams3s Kirax 5 étoiles

Gran hud,todo en uno,ideal para diseñadores
muy intuitivo,facil y rapido de configurar y sobre todo muy buena asistencia y ayuda por parte de la creadora
muchas gracias

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KinetikTech - Custom Scripts - Color & Texture Change HUD,Resizer
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Vendu par : Miglena Mills
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  • 4.79 étoiles 112 Avis

  • Droits :
    Copier Modifier Transférer Soumis à licence utilisateur
    Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
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  • Maillage : partiel