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[NASL] Apollo BOM Modular Bodysuit Version 1.0

[NASL] Apollo BOM Modular Bodysuit

UPDATE: 3/1/23
Due to this item being opensourced accidentally for months, I have decided to reduce the price to free. There is no point charging for an item that has been leaked, fullpermed, and handed out en-masse.

No support will be given for this item going forward.
Use as-is.



This is a BAKE ON MESH item, Please only purchase this if your avatar supports BAKE ON MESH
!!Making this mistake will not make you eligible for refunds!!

Hello Virtual Adventurer! Thank you in your interest in our product.

This is the Apollo Bake on Mesh Modular Bodysuit, unlike the Artemis the Apollo is geared more towards those who want more armor, more cover, and more sneaking action. It features many modular and customizable parts, and was made from the ground up to be customized in unique and special ways.

It will work on ANY, yes ANY body that has Bake On Mesh enabled. (Though seamless UV matchups are not guaranteed on all bodies - body was made on AW Male and Belleza Jake and has almost no visible seams there)

Don't know about material modding? Well that's OK! I have included a video tutorial to help you figure it out, and I included example suits with materials made for practice or those that just want a quick suit.

The possibilities are genuinely endless, and with this bodysuit you will truly be one of a kind. No longer constrained by silly clothes!!

Here at NASL we strive to go above and beyond (literally!) and propel our products into the atmosphere itself. This is our first, (and heavily requested), publicly available item in half a decade and we hope you find it a permanent addition to your wardrobe.

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  • Modular Customization, including tintable areas.
  • A lot of variants
  • A more covering aesthetic than artemis, more tactical/serious oriented.
  • Materials and Materials PSD included for further modding
  • In-Depth tutorial video
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 étoile :
Sad circumstances, amazing product!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 8/9/2023 de Hoaxagram Hexem

Getting this for free because it's been accidentally open sourced is so so so very sad; This clearly had a lot of care put into it and looks amazing!

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Great little free ttexture.
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 14/3/2023 de Angelus Nielson

I plan on using this for undersuits for pretty much all my sci-fi stuff.

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AMAZING!!! (best for experienced users)
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/10/2022 de Stuart Ersetu

This is the most splendid product. It's so incredibly flexible and quite extraordinary. Bear in mind, however, that the power of flexibility does require some work and knowledge. If you want functioning materials layers as shown in the pictures then (depending on your body) this is not for newbies or the faint of heart - as I was reminding myself when learning to make my own omega appliers.

P.S. If you have a younger avatar then it works perfectly with the male version of the Tweenster body and shows almost unnoticeable distortions a with the female version.

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just.. how?
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 15/8/2022 de Sadillia

this is just. unironically amazing. sure its a crapton of modding effort. but lets face it. any good outfit is

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L$ 0

Vendu par : WonderPanorama Wanderer

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