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P&P Mairead's Classic SLink Heels Bundle

P&P Mairead's Classic SLink Heels Bundle
P&P Mairead's Classic SLink Heels Bundle
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** SLink HIGH Feet Required (sold by SLink) **

A package of 4 classic styled heels. Every woman in SL should have classic style heels in their inventory. They are a quick and easy styling choice.

Each package contains...
Slingback Heel shoes
Slingback with open toe shoes
High Heel Sandals
High Heal Sandals with open toe

Select your color choice!

Uses standard SLink high feet shoe base & alpha.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • SLink HIGH Feet Required

L$ 250

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Prim & Pixel by Mairead Fitzgerald
Prim & Pixel by Mairead Fitzgerald
Vendu par : Mairead Fitzgerald

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