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paw prints chest tattoo(Robotshaz Designs)

paw prints chest tattoo(Robotshaz Designs)
paw prints chest tattoo(Robotshaz Designs)
1 Avis

This is a paw print tattoo for the chest that is suitable for many different bodies like Signature Gianni, Maitreya, classic avatar bodies and other BOM bodies that can wear tattoo appliers. One of the paws is near the center of the chest while the other paw is up nearer to the neck.

  • paw prints tattoo for the chest
  • can be copied
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  • redelivery allowed
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I love this
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/2/2021 de MalkoviaBST

After buying this Tattoo originally in world I haven't taken it off since, it's an amazing tattoo and I really love the design and how it looks on my avatar :D this is by far one of the best and my favourite tattoos i have seen to date

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L$ 30

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Vendu par : Robotshaz

Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

Ce produit contient des articles que votre avatar peut porter.

Fonctionne avec les avatars classiques et en maillage
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