High quality Innovative Tattoo Designs!!!
Each package contains 3 versions of full body tattoo for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega & BOM, you can change them with my HUD included.
Thank you very much for stopping by and have a look at my designs.
If you need anything to ask concerning my items feel free to contact me anytime in world via n/c or at these links:
Voir l'article dans Second LifeLove!!!!
so good to have coloured and just black... excellent quality work ty!
Lovely one ❤
Beautiful tattoo , clear texture, colors, perfect fit
(I am using BOM on Maitreya and Reborn with add ons)
and a great, affordable price for a Fatpack. Thank you ❤
Gorgeous!!! ❤️
Hey Vezzo you are amazing!!! ❤️ Perfect quality and awesome price for two colors!!! Keep filling sl with your stunning and unique designs, we love your work!!! ❤️
Beautiful!!! ❤️
Soft, floral, with small details, great fitting on my belleza body!! Very good price for a two in one pack!!! thank you!!! ❤️