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Pony Baloney Bundle, Egg, & Kennel Rezzer

Pony Baloney Bundle, Egg, & Kennel Rezzer
Pony Baloney Bundle, Egg, & Kennel Rezzer
6 Avis

Pony Baloney Bundle Rezzer
from Grebo Fright

The bundle rezzer is designed to neatly rez your bundles, nests, kennels, eggs, crates or other small no-copy objects in neat rows or row formations.
Rez all the objects in line for a shelf, or in a neat formation on the ground, or even in vertical rows. It comes with preset rezzing rotations for Amaretto Horse bundles, but if you need to change those, you can customize the rotations the objects rez at in relation to the rezzer.

The rezzer has COPY permissions - although one will appear as NO COPY in your inventory if it contains no-copy objects such as bundles.
The rezzer has MODIFY permissions so you can resize it or customize your rotations (see below)

Open the Pony Baloney Bundle Rezzer by selecting it, choosing Edit, and draggimg and dropping your objects from inventory into the contents. (put your bundles inside the rezzer)
Tthen choose the rez options from the menu.

Main Menu:
Rez All - rezzes rows of the specified length and at the end of the row, starts to the next row
Rez Row - rezzes a single rown of the specified length and stops.
All 1 Row - rezzes everything in its inventory in one single row. (use for long bundle shelves)
Rez Square - rezzes a roughly square formation based on the number of objects inside
Rez One - simply rezzes a single bundle
Set Per Row - enter in chat the number of ojects to rez in a row before moving to the next, used for the Rez All and Rez Row commands
Options - the Optios menu

Options Menu:
Set Close - the default object spread, rezzes the objects close to each other
Set Wide - wide spread gives the objects more space between them
Straight/Angled - the default parallel alignment of the bundles
SidewayOn/Off - turns the bundles 90 degrees and adds extra space between them
Horizontal/Vertical - Horizontal rezzes the rows left-right and "down" based on the rotation of the rezzer. Vertical rezzes a row based on the rezzers rotation then rezzes the next row directly UP from the last row based on the region rotation. Try them out and see how they work!
Reset - resets to the default values including rotations.

Objects must be no copy, or the rezzer will stop and refuse to rez them.

For objects that need a different rezzing rotation than bundles, the rotations for angled and straight are stored in the rezzer's object description field: <0,0,90>!<0,0,125>
The first vector is for straight, the second vector is for angled. Just put your custom rotation vales in there, make sure to keep the ! separating the two vectors.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • rezzes
  • rows
  • formations
  • organizer
  • rezzing
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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awesome organizer!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 12/7/2012 de Timothy Varthader

this item is great.. menu's environment friendly sorts bundles easy.. i give more than 5 stars!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 16/6/2012 de Senga Recreant

You have to play with it a little bit to understand how it behaves (and dear god, don't be near a sim border when you do!) but it does what it says it does for a fraction of the price of comparable products.

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L$ 99

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Vendu par : Grebo Fright

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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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