Please note that this is mesh and you need a mesh compatible viewer.
Latest Version - 12/03/2012
- Initial Release
- Fixed some sound bugs where sound wouldnt play at all...
V1.2 - 22.12.2011
- Fixed some model issues (weird light issues, basically broken normals)
- Finally finished the code to support custom deck, truck, grip, wheel etc customization.
- Added new wheel model & script, so the wheel rotates according to what speed your going at.
- Removed some old debug code...
- Now also includes 3 different decks!
- Optimized model, no longer costs 23 prims but 21.
V1.3 - 28.12.2011
- More deck, truck, wheel designs are coming soon!
- Fixed a issue with shuvit where wheels were going wrong way xD they are now moving correctly.
- Added new trick 360 pop shuvit
- Added new trick Casper
- Further tweaking of script...
V1.4 - 28.12.2011
- Fixed an issue where sometimes hud's were interfering with each other...
- Fixed an issue where the avatar position adjuster wasn't working properly.
- Added 2 more options to the position adjuster, +1 up/down and +5 up/down
V1.5 - 05.01.2012
-Added new push animation, slow and fast push (speed dependant)
-Fixed a bug where wheels were rotating wrong way after doing a darkslide
-Added 2 new lean animations (movement looks more realistic now)
-Added new animation for ollie aka "jump"
-Added new animation for 360 pop shuvit
-And finally we have a IDLE animation!!!
-lots more deck and truck updates are now for sale, some are even free so go grab em while u can! :D and please be warned, more is always coming!!!
V1.6 - 02.03.2012
-Skateboard is now COPY and MOD this is to make modding easier as i have now released a skateboard self texture kit that includes AO maps and some example textures, all FULLPERM ofc!
V1.7 - 12.03.2012
-Now including a NO IDLE version.
-Now including a wearable holding version. (with customizing script)
-Improved some issues where the board acted bit weird in ramps.
-Now finally has a avatar position saver script! now you only have to set your avatar position once and the script takes a backup of the position, take a backup/copy of the board and use this and you no longer need to set your avatar position again!
The Pu!se Skateboard, Finally a realistic and fun skateboard in secondlife!
- View the video of this skateboard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUNhKhU0Smg
-9 High realistic tricks (more coming)
-Uses Physics for realism
-High quality sound fx
-Customizable trucks, deck
wheels, griptape, screws
-Quality trick animations
-Can activate tricks via
the hud to fast trick
execution. (with mouseclick)
-Save and Load functions
to use if you want to
trick at the same spot
-Instructions also
included in HUD
HUD is included in the package.
Pu!se Skateboard Readme/Instructions
- View the video of this skateboard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUNhKhU0Smg
Shift+turning -- FAST turns while holding shift.
WASD -- moving around.
W - push forward
S - stop
A or <- left
D or -> right
E - Hold E down longer for higher jumps, more power.
E - Double tap E fast to trigger kickflip or heelflip (random)
E - Double tap E slow to trigger shuve-it.
Left Mouse Click (on skateboard) - Opens Settings Menu.
Left Mouse Click (anywhere with active trick) triggers last used or active trick.
How To Get Started!
- 1 - Rez the skateboard item where it says [REZ!]
- 2 - Right click and choose Sit or Ride!
- 3 - Done!
How To Use The Hud
- 1 - First you need to wear it, right click and choose "WEAR"
- 2 - Now to trigger a trick simply when "in-air" click the trick button OR click any trick to make it "ACTIVE" and mouse left
click anywhere on your screen to trigger it (you dont need to click the button on the hud) this system is made to make
it easier for you to trigger a trick, ofc it will only work for the last used or ACTIVE trick.
- 3 - You can also obtain a copy of this readme by clicking the 1,2,3 icon on the hud next to the STAR icon.
- 4 - The STAR icon is to open the menu for the skateboard, you can also open this menu by just left clicking your skateboard.
How To Get Extra Help
- 1 - In your web browser, goto www.pulse.sl or contact Zslash Cyberstar via IM.
*** please note that this board is designed for human avatars, tinys and other animal type avatars might have minor problems running thos board ***
Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »Truly one...
... of the most beautiful Skateboards in Second Life. Just a pity that there is no bez. state has several animations, or even that the board can carry in hand or back. But on the whole very nice, and the decks are nice signed Zane ;)!
This is so cool!!! I love it. tried others before but this is easy to use and FUN!!! So... BUY IT!