Riders Mesh Font Set (Celtic) [[NANO]]- Nano Only! Multiple Faces- INCLUDING #'s, Tiny Mesh Fonts Ideal For Jewelry
Riders Mesh Font Factory Info.
((View VIDEO @ Bottom of Page)) - Scripts Not Included in Video with Nano
All Characters are Mesh and have (3) texturable faces
The characters are Copy/Mod/Transfer Within Agreement.
Includes Letters, Numbers and Punctuation
Style: Celtic
Characters Included:
Upper & Lower Case Alphabet,
0-9 Numbers
14 Punctuation
TOTAL- 77 Characters
Texture Faces- 3
All Nano sets come with Arial 15 Punctuation & 0-9
Note! Designed for Nano Usage (Tiny). Not ideal for Reg use. See Non-Nano Listing
Additional INFO -
I do offer custom 3d mesh work similar to this product. Logos, phrases, words or Additional font sets that are
not available in my store. IM Race Kristan For more details.
----------------------------FULL PERMISSIONS TERMS/AGREEMENT
* When you purchase this product you are agreeing to the following terms.
* The full perm mesh fonts included are not to be repacked, resold or gifted without being part of a larger build.. including, dropping fonts or font sets alone, even to friends.
* You may not redistribute this product with the combination of copy/transfer permissions in any format.
* You are allowed to use the Mesh fonts in your own builds/creations and post your builds/creations for sale on the marketplace or the Second Life Grid.
IT IS EASILY TRACKED! & any violation of these terms will result in a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Notification being filed against you.
DMCA notifications can result in your account being banned from Second Life.
Offending items can be removed from both your own, and your customers inventories.
And you may be charged in a USA court under Federal laws and if convicted, be subject to penalties of up to $500,000 and/or five years in jail.
Best regards & thanks for the support,
Race Kristan -
Riders Font Factory
Riders World
Riders Builders Square
Riders Breedable Prod.
Riders Western Wear
Riders Western Decor
These are very nicely created. Looks good.
L$ 520
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