A beautiful and elegant ring I chose to give away for free. It features tiny pearls, diamonds, and 2 larger gemstones that are changerscripted, as is the actual band itself.
You can choose between 5 different metals and 34(!) different gems for the larger gemstones.
Just as it would adorn every Ladies hand, I hope, it might also put a smile on your face =^.^=
For more Freebies and Cheapies visit our store inworld!
Almost all jewelry sold by us is mod and copy, the scripts inside however are copy only.
If your purchased product contains any bling, it will work with bling on/off on channel 99
(Type "/99 bling on" or "/99 bling off")
Please be aware that we can't refund no transfer items nor items that got messed up or broken if you modify them by yourself. Modifiable items are usually copiable, too, so please make SURE you make a copy of your item before modyfing it. (We may decide, however, on a case to case - base)
Only absolutely lowlag, custom made, texturechange scripts are used in our products.
Nice but no mod
I couldn’t resize it. Too big for my fingers.
Lovely ring but...
The smalest i can get on this ring still big for my hands :(
The materials are well done :)
Love this ring so much!
so very pretty. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Hugs :)