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SA - GPS/Transponder HUD v1.0 [BOX] Version 1.3

SA - GPS/Transponder HUD v1.0 [BOX]

A transponder is a device used in most modern aircraft to make the aircraft more visible to ATC (Air Traffic Control) radar. When an aircraft is illuminated by a radar signal, the transponder sends a code that is displayed on the ATC radar screen. The code, sometimes called a “squawk code”, is a 4-digit numeric value that is set by the pilot. This HUD makes your aircraft visible on a grid map that is accessible from an off-world web page modeling an ATC radar system.

This version of the Shergood Aviation transponder includes a moving map GPS to display your position in real time.

Transponder Functions:
* Track your flights on radar
* Enter unique transponder code for your flight
* Enter N-number, flight number and aircraft type
* Privacy list to register no-tracking regions
* ELT alerts search and rescue in event of crash
* Radar map web page with Google Maps interface

GPS Functions
* Real-time multi-region moving map display of your aircraft and nearby transponder equipped aircraft
* Zoom in to single region, or out to 7x7 grid
* HUD size can be expanded for easy data entry
* Easy flight plan entry page
* Graphical display of flight plan dynamically updated as you pass each waypoint
* Display of ground speed, distance remaining and estimated time enroute

Voir l'article dans Second Life
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Amazing !
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/5/2022 de RobertRhodan

This is really a gem for anyone doing "real" challenging flight navigation instead of just boring TPing around. I had never assumed anything like this would be available in SL A clear buy recommendation, and worth every L$. Blue Skies.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 31/1/2021 de Keira Nova

I love this system. I have the transponder on when flying and also have a pad next to my screen with the radar map web page up on it for a larger overview of the area.

One thing I would like to see in a future version is the ability to save my aircraft type and tail number. I'm logged in so the easiest way (for me) would be to store my last used details against my account and recall them each time I wear the HUD, which would mean I only have to change them periodically. Another way would be to store defaults in a notecard in the HUD which would be used unless I specify otherwise or sit in a SA aircraft with the tail number modkit etc.

That aside, the HUD transponder does exactly what it says on the tin and I wouldn't be without it now. Great work and five stars from me.

If Linden Lag ever get around to fixing the world map tiles they broke then everything would be even better. I'm sure they'll get to it eventually.

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Why did I wait so long?
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 24/12/2020 de Ginnafer

Bought this in 2016. Tried it and thought it took too much space on my screen so stopped using it until now. The radar page will no longer zoom out (no fault of Kelly, it is a LL thing). So after all this time I tried it again. Yeah it takes up space on the screen, but a little re designing of what you have on the screen will make it quite usable. If LL ever fixes the problem with Maps in SL, it wont matter much. I wont stop using this product. It is a must have. BTW if you don't use a transponder you really should. Thanks Kelly for this product. Sorry it took me so long to really use it. One suggestion: could you update it so my copilot can use it also without having two radar images one on top of the other. If she could just use gps for tracking with no xpdr image would be great. Maybe turn off xpdr with a button or something.

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Important Tool!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 11/12/2020 de DuchessMinerva

Such a helpful HUD! Works like a charm and a ideal for anyone looking to take up flying or sailing. Dunno why I didn't buy this sooner! Am very pleased with this product!

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An Absolute Must
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 31/3/2019 de Olshamar

If you fly or sail in SL, you need this HUD. In addition to all the navigation features it contains, it also provides you with a map that is everything that the standard SL mini map should have been but isn't. The SA GPS HUD clearly marks on the map all airports, harbors and even other vehicles using the HUD. These simple things have made this HUD an absolute must for me every time I fly any aircraft in SL. Life is so much better when you can see where the airports are located on the map. I don't get lost anymore now that I use this HUD! LOL.

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This is a MUST have...
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 22/6/2018 de Christi Charron

... if you wish to explore long distances and unfamiliar places, this is a fantastic HUD to have as it keeps you from having to open the world map as you can see a large area of the world on it at all times, and it follows you. It's like a 'super mini-map', and it shows other vehicles with transponders on too which is neat, and your vehicle will be seen to them on their maps/HUDs.

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