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SA-I "O402-Bus" Version e4.5 / v1.0

SA-I "O402-Bus"
SA-I "O402-Bus"
6 Avis

SA-I "O402-Bus"

You get a car package with 2 different versions.

a: Civil
b: Emergency

In this package are 7 different Themes/ Designs already included + Template for own Designs.

The Car is Copy&Mody and has 34 to 37 Land impact.

Doors and lights are all operall.

A demo and test drive can you found in my shop.

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  • O 402
  • MOD Permissions
  • HUD
  • Fuel System
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The best Bus in Secondlife!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 5/9/2020 de PolizeiFFW

I´ve tried a lot of Buses from other manufacturers in SL but I never liked them so much than the O402 from SA-I. Its modify, so you can change a lot by yourself. You dont need to upload textures as Destination Sign and are very flexible to write on it what you want!

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love it but....
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 30/10/2018 de VenKellie

love it, drives well for it being acs but i dont like mouselook steering and the camera is in a odd spot making it hard to see where im going.

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L$ 1 450

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Vendu par : SAV Kidd

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