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SEmotion LifeLike Realistic Hands Set-10 BENTO hands animations

SEmotion LifeLike Realistic Hands Set-10 BENTO hands animations
SEmotion LifeLike Realistic Hands Set-10 BENTO hands animations
2 Avis

SEmotion Realistic Hands Set - 10 ONLY hands and fingers animations for women which give the hands a subtle lifelike movement! Upgrate your old animations with fingers movements!

- No static poses! It is animated!

- Priority 3

- All fingers animations are submitted in high quality;

- Slow movements, subtle lifelike movements! Your fingers no more look like broken. No twitches hands, no non-natural motions of fingers.

- Separates are available in mainsore

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Exactly What I Needed
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 9/1/2023 de Alex Carpenter

A bit on the pricey side but honestly well worth it, considering how smooth and lively the animations are. They are also priority 3 as advertised, and I didn't have to dig them out of a thrown-together scripted object. They'll make a perfect addition to my personal AO.

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Von wegen nicht starr...
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 19/1/2019 de JeremyJustin Morningstar

Diese Bewegungen, die die Hand macht ist einfach zum kotzen.
...und viel zu teuer.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 700

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Vendu par : Marie Sims

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