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Serendipity Designs - Wolf Creek Light Cabin

Serendipity Designs - Wolf Creek Light Cabin

Serendipity Designs - The Wolf Creek Cabin

This cabin harkens back to a time when simple living was what life was all about. A simple one room cabin warmed by a dancing fire with lots of light from plentiful windows and warm and cozy under a snow covered roof.

House features
Prim Count 67 (lighter cabin is 2 prims lower than the darker due to the door knobs that were removed on this version)
Rezzable Snow Covered roof 2 prims (button next to front door)
Tintable windows for privacy (clickable by menu at front door)
Fire switches on and off by touch (includes crackling fire sounds)
Small footprint 17 by 27 (2 meters for roof overhangs)
EXCELLENT for smaller parcels
Unique textures created specifically by Serendipity Designs.

Cabin available in two versions, one light, one dark.

Note moyenne : étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine
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étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine Publié le 3/1/2013 de doc Kirkorian

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