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*Shai* Men's Denim Shorts - Blues

*Shai* Men's Denim Shorts - Blues
*Shai* Men's Denim Shorts - Blues
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*Shai* Men's Camo Shorts are slim fit bermuda shorts with rolled-up hem. Back and side pockets,rivets, belt loops, zip and button fastening. Features worn in wrinkles on the back and whisker fades on the hip area.

Comes in 12 Camouflage Colors, Rigged Mesh in 5 Standard Sizes. 1 Land Impact mesh clothing with Material maps.

The Fatpack comes with a low impact scripted Color HUD to switch colors on the fly.

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Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Modelled for the Classic Male Avatar
  • Slim Fit Rugged Camo Shorts with Buttons and Belt Loops
  • 12 Camouflage Colors
  • Rigged Mesh in 5 Standard Sizes
  • Materials Enabled

L$ 275

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Vendu par : Shai Delacroix

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