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Shapes by Sonya - Bento Daya

Shapes by Sonya - Bento Daya
Shapes by Sonya - Bento Daya
2 Avis

This shape was made only for the CATWA CATYA BENTO HEAD (OLD RIG) and slink hourglass body.

The bento head requires bento enabled viewer

Please wear OLD RIG catya head

  • Already made shape for your new Catwa Bento head
  • Made for slink hourglass body
  • Style card included
  • Copy/Mod
  • Thick shape for curvy avies
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 19/12/2016 de Bellamy Onyx

The shape is gorgeous and actually looks like the style card. Although of course you'll have to tweak it a bit to your own tastes. Looks good out the box though. Made my transition to bento very easy. Definitely would have been lost without it. And you can't beat the price as other bento shapes are going for 1k and up.

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Not worth the price to me
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 17/12/2016 de Angel Bae

I used the style card to see if i could get the same look. It doesn't look like the pictures and its one of the more expensive shapes out there.Definitely not worth the price. The arms are very lanky, she's too tall and not proportionate. The face looks longer and fatter. I'm not at all happy with it. Buy at your own risk, but i feel there are better shapes out there for a better price.

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L$ 400

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


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Shapes by Sonya
Shapes by Sonya
Vendu par : dowlinglou

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