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Thistle Secret Garden Potting Shed (add to open)

Thistle Secret Garden Potting Shed (add to open)
Thistle Secret Garden Potting Shed (add to open)
1 Avis

Thistle Homes - Secret Garden Potting Shed

Each spring SL flowers bloom all over the grid! Here is a cute little potting shed to keep all your gardening items. Or you can turn it into a fantastic secret garden retreat!!

- 17 land impact
- scripted doors
- original mesh
- copy / mod

** Please Visit Thistle Homes to see the DEMO **

Happy Decorating!
Liz Gealach
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  • 17 land impact
  • scripted doors
  • copy / mod
  • original mesh
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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Worth every dollar and land impact
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 26/7/2023 de Rory Serpente

This is yet another totally delightful build by Liz Gealach. Liz must be one of the most talented but unknown builders in SL.

I used this as a garden retreat, and it became the perfect place to escape to, sink into my favourite old chair and read a book.

People have mentioned to me it has a Li of 17, to which I reply yes it does buy every piece of mesh has been carefully planned, optimised and then the entire build assembled linked so as to reduce it’s land impact.

I wish people would remember that houses and structures are not pieces of furniture and so keeping Li to what are frankly ridiculously low numbers is not possible if you want a quality product. Yes I know there are creators from whom you can purchase a furnished house with a total Li of less that 100, but I suggest you never move more than 10 meters from such a thing as the mesh will start to collapse and lose all semblance of what it was.

If you are concerned about the Li of high quality builds like this one I suggest you check the Li of some of the trees you have planted on your parcel, and I am not including the 16 trees in 1 prim objects, and then decide do you want the 12 Li tree or or the 17 Li beautiful build which has multiple uses whereas a tree, no matter how lovely can only ever be used as a tree.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 350

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Thistle Homes
Thistle Homes
Vendu par : Liz Gealach

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Droits :
  • Copier
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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 17