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TipPic TipJar vS1.0 [BAG] Version S1.0

TipPic TipJar vS1.0 [BAG]
TipPic TipJar vS1.0 [BAG]
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Xtreme Designs Proudly Presents its DJ & Host Starter Kits

We offer a brand new line of TipJars for those just starting out in the club business. Each jar is designed to not only get you noticed, but increase your tips! You get a Tip Picture TipJar & a Professional picture for one low price! Xtreme Designs is known for cutting edge and unique designs and these will not disappoint!

☯The Original TipPic TipJar ☯ - VS2.0


• Fully functional personal TipJar that displays your name, the amount of the last tip, the last tippers name, & the total amount of tips collected.
• XD Group Add. Gives out invites to your group no matter what group the Jar is rez’d in.
• Thanks each person tipping you in a private instant message.
• Cycles through your images or textures.
• Our famous 100% guarantee. If any item you purchase from me fails, gets eaten by the Lindens, or gets broken, I will fix or replace it for FREE! *


• The TipJar shown above in the picture.
• A voucher to get a free headshot.

Please see the instructions for redemption instructions!


• Prims are copy / modify.
• Scripts are copy only.

*With proof of purchase.

L$ 299

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


.: Xtreme Designs :.
.: Xtreme Designs :.
Vendu par : Lucian Mixemup

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Droits :
  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
Réexpédition automatique
Impact sur le terrain : 3