TuTy's - CLASSY GEISHA female AO (priority 3 & 4)

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The best Geisha ao in second world is now available from Tuty's.
This AO gives a charming touch of grace and is really rich.
It comes in 2 options, 3 priority and 4 priority.
It contains:
62 animations inside the hud, it contains:
12 different walks
18 animated stands
5 animated sits for 2 or 3 sizes of shape
5 animated sit on ground for 2 or 3 size of shape
crouch and crouch walk, stand up, full fly and swim set, typing AO
You can add your favorite dances simply drag them into the yellow button on the top of the hud. When you touch the yellow button the AO stop to work and you can choise a dance by a menu. If you want to return to the AO select STOP, always in the dances menu.

you can open the Menu, by clicking the blue menu-button and choise the time for the stand, typing on or off.
This hud is modify and copy, you can add your own animations and modify the hud by editing the notecard inside, but be careful because you can damage it. So create a copy before edit it. See the instruction pic for more help.

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  • Classy geisha complete AO
  • Priority 3 & 4
  • 62 animations

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I was despairing

Publié le 18/12/2012 de Sinzalia 5 étoiles

I really held no high hopes.. I already bought another geisha ao for about this price and it -sucked-. But this? AMAZING. Really.. I would easily pay triple price for it without a hesitation. Its incredible

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Not just for Geisha avatars!

Publié le 17/6/2012 de PriestessTerra 5 étoiles

I wanted a reasonably priced AO suitable for my romantic, fairy tale gown wearing avatar. I almost gave up. But, then I took a chance with this Classy Geisha and I am SO HAPPY! This AO just brought my avatar to life with the right personality. A wonderful AO if you have a gown wearing "classy" avatar as well as for Geisha.

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  • 4.92 étoiles 12 Avis

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