UR Thompson Chair Set (PG)

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UR Thompson Chair Set (PG)

This package features the UR Thompson Chair Set (PG). This chair set comes with texture change options. 4 wood tones and 6 throw blanket options. Touch the chair to access texture HUD.

These chairs feature singles, couples and activities animations. Sit on the chair to animate your avatar.

The chairs are between 3-4 land impact each and are copy & modify.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Dylan1076 or GabrielLarson

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Ajout au panier comme cadeau


BH&G/ Urban Roots Home & Garden Warehouse
BH&G/ Urban Roots Home & Garden Warehouse
Vendu par : Dylan1076

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  • Copier
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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : partiel
Impact sur le terrain : 4