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VRDz BENTO Three Sitter Triad Dance Engine V5.2

VRDz BENTO Three Sitter Triad Dance Engine V5.2
VRDz BENTO Three Sitter Triad Dance Engine V5.2
5 Avis

VRDz BENTO Three Sitter Triad Dance Engine V5.4 + BENTO Hands & Face

I received several requests for a Dance Engine that people could link their own objects to.

So for everyone who wants to turn anything into a triad dance podium or add dance animations to any mesh object that does not already contain animations...

It's a Full 100% Hand & Face BENTO, MOCAP Dance, in a versatile engine format, and a diverse menu.

+ 100% BENTO (Animated hands & Face for BENTO users)

+ 221 HQ Animations (MOCAP Dance + BENTO Hand & Face Animations)

+ Versatile Engine Format (Link any mesh object to the engine)

+ Diverse menu with multiple dance styles and many Sequences to choose from

+ Puts on a 3 sitter Dance Show

+ Media Hud Personal Music Player Attachment

+ AVsitter 2.2 Security, No poseballs, adjust and save personal animation heights

Menu Contents
- Auto Show!
- FFF Dance
- FFM Dance
- MMM Dance
- Music HUD
- BENTO ctrl

- FFM Party
- FFM Show
- FFM Funny
- FFM Club

- FacesON\OFF
- HandsON\OFF

- Latin
- Bollywood
- Sexy
- Dance Party
- Celebrity
- Retro
- Goofy
- Chill
- Upbeat
- Show

MENU Auto Show!
- SEQ Sexy
- SEQ Party
- SEQ Gold
- SEQ Dreams
- SEQ Show
- SEQ Easy
- SEQ Cute
- SEQ Celebrity
- SEQ Latin
- SEQ Goofy
- SEQ Upbeat
- SEQ Chill
- SEQ Retro
- SEQ Masc
- SEQShow

Perms = COPY, MOD, NO Transfer
Animations and some scripts may be no mod, however the menu notecards and mesh object are mod so that you can make any changes you like.

VRDz Dance Engine Installation Instructions

1) REZ the VRDz Dance Engine next to your object inworld.
2) Sit on the Dance Engine, use Edit > Move to adjust position so that the animations line up with your object.
3) Link your object to the Dance Engine, Dance engine should be root.
4) Use Edit > Edit Linked > Texture > Transparency to make the Dance Engine invisible.

Feel free to contact me for help...

Vixen (curiousite)

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 100% BENTO (Animated hands & Face for BENTO users)
  • 221 HQ Animations (MOCAP Dance + BENTO Hand & Face Animations)
  • Versatile Engine Format (Link any mesh object to the engine)
  • Diverse menu with multiple dance styles and many Sequences to choose from
  • AVsitter 2.2 Security, No poseballs, adjust and save personal animation heights
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
Oooooo LOVES this dance engine soooo much!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 20/11/2019 de Enyyo

This thing can be placed anywhere on anything... set it to invisible and ya set! SOOOOOOO many dances in this! It's nuts.. plus bento body and face animated. It's a steal for the price... This creator has got some mad skillz in making some kick ass items. This is yet another stellar item ;) Me likie so much.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?

L$ 669

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


VRDz (Vixen's R & D labz) by curiousite
Vendu par : curiousite

Terrain requis

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

Droits :
  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Voir les détails du produit pour des infos sur les droits
Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 3