Visitor Welcome Board - VWB-200 Version 3.0
The VWB has every option you need for welcoming visitors, like sending automatic invites, welcome messages, landmark or showing a menu.
It also features the ability to send the owner lists each day to E-mail, with a visitor list and statistics about visitor counts, SL resident stats and clickies on the board.
All in a neat design, complimented with an optional stand, and with many cosmetic options as you are used to with the SHX product line.
Now with: multilanguage support (menu in 15 languages),
Statistics showing what language viewer your visitors use
Smartbots integration:
Smartbots 24/7 group invites
* SHX - VWB - Visitor Welcome Board - Features
- Group join invitation when a visitor arrives (optional)
- Group join at touch board
- Smartbots compatible (to get automatic invitations)
- Show a menu to a visitor with Info, landmark or group join (optional)
- Visitor menu in all 15 languages! (optional)
- Can give an gift-item via menu (optional)
- Welcome message in IM at arrival visitor (optional)
- Landmark giver at arrival visitor (optional)
- Can give out a notecard on demand (from the menu), you have an option to translate and give it out specifically to all 15 languages
- Can send statistics to E-mail everyday
- Timezone selection, for setting the right midnight mailinglist to Email
- Stores up to 250 visitors
- Can send a list of visitors to E-mail everyday (in CSV format with datetimestamp)
- Language statistics (see where your visitors come from!)
- Optionally clears visitor list at midnight
- Can show visitor list via menu
- Sensor range selectable in menu
- 15 selectable font types
- 15 selectable color themes (and 1 custom)
- Access for group/owner or modifiable manager list
- Visible visitor counter
- Visible total visitor counter
- Visible new residents in Second Life counter
- Visible residents online in Second Life counter
- Shows last visitor name and profile image
- Automatic group image retrieval
- Automatic group ID setup
- Low scriptlag, uses minimal resources
- Auto update function
- Includes full perm API script to optionally make a call to a custom inviter BOT (non-smartbot)
New in 2.0:
- Kuler Themes (external 1 click color change)
- Group ignore toggle
- Parcel restriction
- Including 2 copyable external sensors: Radar sensor / Collision Sensor, with sound and particle effects
- Option to enable/disable internal and external sensors
New in 3.0:
- 100% mesh, now 8Li
- some script cleanups, lowering memory usage
200/210 models only:
- Visible new residents in Second Life counter
- Visible residents online in Second Life counter
- Shows last visitor name and profile image (Displayname or Avatarname)
Voir l'article dans Second LifeCaractéristiques
- See Details
Seit Wann muss man bei einem Board Die Gruppe auf einer Fremden Webseite registrieren, damit die Besucher gezählt werden? Geht man auf die Web-Seite soll am einen Smartbot für mtl. $79 mieten.
Since when do you have to register the group on a foreign website with a board so that the visitors are counted? If you go to the website you should see a smartbot for monthly. $ 79 rent.
Board Doesn't Work
I hope this is just a user error, and if so, I will promptly fix this, but this board is just a static board. Users need to either click on it or be in proximity to get an invite.. it doesn't show their name, their photo, etc. like shown on these photos. The manual doesn't make any mention of these features and I, for the life of me, can't figure out how to set it up like that in any way. Very disappointed.