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" Visual-RP " - Bottles with Ramberry Juice Glasses Version 1.3

" Visual-RP " - Bottles with Ramberry Juice Glasses
" Visual-RP " - Bottles with Ramberry Juice Glasses
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• Much more realistic "Visual-RP" of serving and drinking (50 drink uses in the item before drinks are used up)
• Default is a standing-serve, or trays can be rezzed on table for self-serve
• Optional kneeling serves are included
• Receiving person touches tray to get drink directly into their hand and starts drinking
• Person drinks for 5 mins until drink is gone (or just detach anytime)

Tired of text-chat RP about bringing a drink, serving it, a person taking it and drinking? Move to realistic "Visual-RP"
- Touch Bottles to get a new Serving Tray (5 trays available per Keg)
- Actually hold a tray with the desired item on it
- Walk to receiving person and do a standing serve
--- or optionally do a kneeling serve holding the tray up
- Receiving person touches tray to get the item *DIRECTLY* into their hand (10 drinks available per tray)
--- Not into inventory requiring search and wear
- Receiving person automatically drinks for 5 minutes
--- or, detach anytime to end the drinking

The pictures show the entire process for a Horn of Mead, it is the same process for other drinks and for food items.

NOTE: Item has limited uses before the drinks run out, same as in Real-Life. You buy a bulk item (Keg of Mead or of Ale or of Paga, or Pots of Blackwine/coffee or Tea, or Bottles of Kalana/wine or Ramberry juice), and that bulk item gives you *5* trays of drinks, each tray containing *10* drinks for a total of 50 drinks before the item is used up. Then you need to buy a fresh bulk container, just like Real-Life.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Much more realistic "Visual-RP" of serving and drinking (50 drink uses)
  • Default is a standing-serve, or trays can be rezzed on table for self-serve
  • Optional kneeling serves are included
  • Receiving person touches tray to get drink directly into their hand and starts d
  • Person drinks for 5 mins until drink is gone (or just detach anytime)

L$ 50

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Vendu par : Restless Swords

Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

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