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[aR] Mesh Expedition Hard Top SWB Off-Road Vehicle Version 1.9

[aR] Mesh Expedition Hard Top SWB Off-Road Vehicle
[aR] Mesh Expedition Hard Top SWB Off-Road Vehicle
21 Avis

Fix: Passenger scripts throwing can't find animation error

New Jerry Cans
New Sandboards
Materials enhanced. (Specular/Normals - Requires "Advanced Light Model" enabled in the viewer.
Smooth Acceleration option. (Accelerating more slowly in higher gears when enabled.
Projection Lights switch now on/off along with the Headlights, if projection lights are On.
Skidmarks (Ribbon particles)

Headlights On/Off toggle Gesture added.

Added a temporary hover text option as the gear display, because the chat spam while changing gears was pretty annoying.

The "Mesh Expedition Hard Top" is the Short Wheelbase version of my "Mesh Expedition Station Wagon". It is fully functional. It drives physically. No avatar attachments (besides the Speedometer HUD). It has a land impact of 43. This is the amount this model will count against your parcel prim limit.

To drive the car use arrow, or WASD and PageUp/PageDown keys as usual.

• 100 % Mesh
• Handmade LODs only
• Land Impact: 43
• Realistic 4WD Physics
• Handbrake
• Adjustable turn radius
• Hi and Low Gear mode (6 speeds in each mode)
• Working Doors, Wipers, Steering Wheel, Projection Lights (front, rear), Speedometer & Odometer (onboard & HUD), Direction Indicators
• Customizable License Plates & Door Logo (License Plate templates included)
• Driver + 4 passengers
• Access: Owner, Group, Everybody*
• Passenger eject function
• 11 Colors included
• Ground & Hover Mode
• Free Updates
• Rez Zone Finder included
• and more...

*When Access is set to 'Everybody', the vehicle will be 'Temporary' as soon as the avatar starts to drive. The vehicle will delete itself when the driver stands up.

How to update: Rez the vehicle. In the menu click Misc > Customize > Update

All 2D/3D/Scripting by arton Rotaru.

  • 100 % Mesh - Handmade LoDs only
  • Materials Enhanced
  • Driver + 4 passengers
  • Ground & Hover mode
  • Realistic 4WD Physics
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 étoile :
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  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
love it
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 4/7/2023 de Carmichael Caudron

so first i looked up how long ago this was released and its been 11 years and i'm sure this creator has kept updating it because still in 2023 this is an amazing vehicle. his own driving script is pretty good (better than most) a friend let me demo hers and i love how it drives and then omg the mesh on the outside body is incredible, very high detail and it doesnt disappear when u zoom out and it looks so realistically like the RL car. it is no modify yes but the options u get in return,u dont really miss that unless u want to play gtfo with it. i love it, worth every linden to add to your collection too

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Updated Review for 2022 - Good but could be better.
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 2/1/2022 de KjartanEno

I originally wrote: Vehicles in SL can be a bit of a mixed bag. Too often that shiny coat of paint dissolves quickly to a crumpled mess from poor LOD, or the road physics feel like an inconvenient afterthought on the creator's part. Well, here is a fine example of vehicles-done-right! It looks great and won't vaporize to pixel garbage at reasonable camera distances. There are lots of paint colors and options available in the menu. I've driven down roads on the mainland and it turns and tracks quite well. There are many nice touches too. It can leave tire tracks and skid marks. You can select different dust types. When parked, it will leave a 'shadow' on the ground. All in all, very recommended!

Update: I still enjoy driving this vehicle. However, it is NO MOD. I am unaware of any effort on the part of the creator to release a modify version, or one with GTFO included. One star deducted from my original 5.

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L$ 2 499

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


arton Rotaru Productions
arton Rotaru Productions
Vendu par : arton Rotaru

Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

Droits :
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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 43