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Namuri - the House of the Rising Sun

Namuri - the House of the Rising Sun
Namuri - the House of the Rising Sun
15 Avis

The House of the Rising Sun - Japanese Temple Edo period (17th-19th century) dedicated to the Mith of Koi.

Entirely produced in 3D, from the tiles to the floor boards, with 1024x1024 shaded textures, animated water, light effects and ambient sounds.

Base area: 35x44x18

Package includes:
- the House of the Rising Sun (360 prim - mod/copy)
- Aquatic Environment (70 prim - mod/copy) with base area 50x53
- the House of the Rising Sun - Aquatic Environment (coalesced object)
- the House of the Rising Sun - with indoor ofuro (coalesced object)
- the House of the Rising Sun - no wind sound
- Water (size 46x46 - 4 prim - mod/copy)
- Japanese Autumn Maple (6 prim - mod/copy)
- Andon - Japanese Paper Lantern (2 prim - mod/copy)

For any information please contact me in world with a notecard.

Photo courtesy by Inara Pey, Loda Denfu, Yana and Collins Land Photography Contest.
Video courtesy by JeanQuille.

You can get a discount on my InWorld Store.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 27/4/2017 de Bendak Namanari

I was looking for a house like this for months, and when I got a look at this, I had to buy it. set it up, made a forest around it. it has plenty of rooms, lovely ambiance, and the water makes for a good, peaceful home. There are some problematic hitboxes here and there, but nothing too noticable. anyone who is a fan of traditional Japanese buildings, defiantly a good buy!

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L$ 4 250

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Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 360