- Profile
Sari-Sari is an all original bento pose, mesh furniture and decor, and clothing shop.
- bento poses for male and female, with original mesh props made to fit for bento hands
- high quality, original mesh and textures
- original mesh clothing and accessories
Please stop by our inworld store to try poses and see our latest home decor and clothing.
https://abbyanne-sari-sari.tumblr.com/- Policies
- Poses & decor permissions are set to mod/copy/no trans.
- Clothing permissions are set to no mod/copy/no trans. Some accessories are mod if stated.
- No refunds for no transfer items.
- Always buy a demo; (deco) check the displays.
- If you see any stolen or ripped items from Sari-Sari, please kindly send me (AbbyAnne) a notecard of the link/screenshot/avatar or shop name, so we can file a DMCA.