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FK* Commissions [OPEN]
Second Life Inworld Store:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/193508371@N02/All rights reserved, All materials, products, logos, and slogans 2020 FLUFFY KREATIONS ™
By Purchasing this product you agree to the copyright laws in which country or state you reside, for intellectual property and trademarks. Any reproduction, alteration, or distribution without prior written consent, either in part or in whole is prohibited, as applicable to your country’s or state and may be subject to legal action.FK* Designs:
☾☾Furry Mods☽☽
☾☾3D Mesh☽☽
☾☾Bento Furry Tails☽☽
☾☾Bento Furry Ears☽☽
☾☾Bento Furry Heads☽☽- Règlements
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•Bloggers: Accepting
•Designers: Accepting
•Scripters: Accepting