- Profil
Pestique sells a range of quality furniture for your home. Many items feature texturechange using our unique low lag texturechanger script, multiple animations, rezzable props and a general emphasis on usability (cupboard doors that open and drawers that shut!). Livingroom suites, baths and bathrooms, ultra-realistic beds and bedroom furniture, chaises, couches and outdoor furntiture to complete your house inside and out. Everything built to the highest quality and with the attention to detail that make a house into a home.
Pestique After Dark is a range of Xcite! compatable beds and baths especially for couples. Beautiful and romantic couples animations, facial expressions, props and sequences.
Pestique Shoes is a small collection of ladies footwear.
- Règlements
If you are not satisfied with a purchase please contact me and I will do whatever I can within reason to resolve the issue. If you have a query, please ask!
Most Pestique & Pestique After Dark items are Transfer. MLP scripted Items are Mod/Transfer. Rezzable props are copy only. Pestique Shoes are generally mod/copy, demos are provided.
Unfortunately I cannot refund copy items.