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Luskwood Creatures
Luskwood Creatures
Vendu par : eltee Statosky
Date d'inscription: 23/9/2003


We are the originators of the furry avatar on SL, and have been creating in SecondLife(TM) for over five years. Luskwood Creatures, our avatar line, is SecondLife's longest running resident-run brand.

Experience and Trust:

With over 30,000 individual customers, active customer service (Just contact us in world, or email us from our website), free upgrades and free replacements if your avatar ever gets damaged, customer service is one of our strongest philosophies. We support our products, and we aren't an online company that you have to worry about disappearing tomorrow.


Luskwood avatars all are backed by:

- Free upgrades when we create a new version in the future.
- Free replacements if your avatar ever gets damaged or lost.

All avatars are

- Modifiable
- Sold "Copy (within inventory, backups outfits etc), No Transfer".

For customer service contact:

michi at luskwood dot org - or Michi Lumin on SL
eltee at luskwood dot org - or Eltee Statosky on

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