This Store
EDD Graycloud
Joined: August 18, 2010

We are mainly a gacha resller. Our emphasis is on quality yet affordable goods; most of which are cheapest in the marketplace for similar items. Your satisfaction is our priority.. therefore, let us know how we can serve you better :)

What baffles me is how some people seem to overcharge for items. The way we price ours is simple, based on what we paid for it plus the rarity of the said item. If for instance, we paid $25 for an item, it'll usually be priced at $29 (the $4 is for the fees involved in TMP). For RAREs, it is usually based on what others are charging for similar items and it is normally cheaper than most :). After all, how this all started was our habit of being good consumers and accumulating hundreds of duplicates.
The majority of our items are unopened and in its original packaging unless stated otherwise or for sets, of which will be packed separately after checking its contents personally. Have a pleasant shopping experience at our store. Thank you ahead for your business and support.

* We would like to warn everyone in the community of the existence of copied gacha items. In short, what some of these sellers do is to box these non-copy gacha items, usually sets and RAREs place them on their land and request for a rollback. This has been going on for some time now. If you do not believe me, simply IM me when I am on or drop me a notecard if I'm not and I will show you inrefutable proof. How can you tell if the said items are copied? Easy. If the price sounds too good (insanely low), then that's more than likely. If after purchasing a set or RARE and you see the item still listed, it is a possibility. Also, copied items usually look like this. X (name of item) 1 2 1 The numbers behind usually meant it has been copied several times. So beware and be a well-informed customer. Play your part and report such items and sellers.


As a standard policy for all gacha resellers, we do not offer any replacements or refunds. Therefore, ensure that you check thoroughly prior to purchase. Whenever in doubt, do IM me (EDD Graycloud or ESSY Luv) for any questions or drop us a notecard if we are not online. Thank you.

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