- Profile
Only in the deepest darkest corners of SL can you find such Wicked Hot Clothes. Punk, gothic, urban, club wear, Latex, Shoes, Accessories, Piercings, Skins and Shapes...they have it all at Sn@tch. The brainchild of Ivey Deschanel birthed from a need for fun and comfy, stylish & modern Punk, Club & Goth clothing at a super low price, Sn@tch has gone from a small store on Pulse to a huge 1/4 sim main store on Snatch City. Now creating modern, couture and casual sexy clothing along with the rest!
Visit the main Sn@tch store, a vibrant darkly lit jewel of a site on the Snatch City Sim. Come see the Bargain Pit with tons of items (no BIAB stuff here either...all original) Bring friends and mob the mouthy Riot Vendor and stalk the most packed Lucky Chairs in SL. Also new to Sn@tch "Fish for This" Outfits with the 7 Seas Fishing Game and while you're here make sure you touch the Sn@tch Subscribe-O-Matic Thingie for once a week new releases, notices and freebie info.
If you want great regular freebies, early notice on sales and specials and fun treats and games joing the mega popular in world Sn@tch VIP group. WE NEVER SPAM! Whoever you are, whatever you want to be in your Second Life, you'll find everything you need to make your avatar deliciously sexy and cool at SN@TCH....Be a Rockstar in your Second Life!
- Policies
All Clothes and Accessories are Mod/Trans unless otherwise specified. No Exchanges or Cash Refunds. If you didn't receive a purchase because of Marketplace or SL error or if you made a double purchase, send me a NOTE with the TRANSACTION HISTORY from the SL website, your NAME & problem & I can help you. I cannot do anything if the transaction is over 28 days old.