This Store
Single and singular assets for amazing designers
Single and singular assets for amazing designers
Vendu par : Watsoon Steampunk
Date d'inscription: 24/3/2010

I sell single textures for builders

Textures are sold single at the marketplace and packaged at the inworld store, with a volume discount : read my pics and follow the links bellow !

When a texture is tiled or seamless, it is writen in its designation

I'm a merchant of the Magic Worlds Studios and belong to the Builders Factoty group you can join copy/pasting this adress in your local chat inworld :



The only things you can do with the textures you buy from me are :
- 1/ Put them on prims and resell or not the builds
- 2/ Modifying consistently them and re-loading your work, and then ---> read 1/

- You are not allowed to use the textures outside Second Life.
- You are not allowed to resell them as is, in packs or single

Have fun !

Watsoon Steampunk

Boutique dans Second Life

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