This Store
Dragonsfyre Horses, Pets, and More !
Sold by: Sun Seale
Joined: January 06, 2007

Wonderful Rideable pets , Home Decor, Native American, Fantasy Animals, Shoulders pets and More !

Sweet, wearable, ferocious Love !

1, Wear it. or Drop it. ( if it gets violent when you wear it, that usually means its fighting with other scripted items you are wearing. The Main culprits are shoes and AO's.

2. Sounds and Poofers are usually automatic - PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED NOTECARD with your pet ! We usually place these in the neck, or main body of the build. Just touch it ;) If it's too much sound, call us and we can fix it for you :)

3. Pls call us if you have an issue. Including modify mistakes you make - we can help with those too !
( how else you gonna learn if you don't experiment?)

4. We cannot, will not, and do not, supply replacements or refunds on items we do not make. If you did not buy it from us, we can't help. Pls check your transaction records to be sure you have the correct store /creator name. ( yes that's actually happened ! )

if you feel you are owed an update - please call us ;) we'll will happily provide you with one, no matter how long ago you bought the whatsit. Our update policy is very flexible. Proof of purchase can be located on the box it came in. Call us for assistance Please !

PLEASE READ ALL SIGNAGE, and Posted notes about the product you wish to buy. If you do not own an Petite Avatar- please do not buy Petite avatar items.

Thank You - The Management


99.9 % of the items we make are Copy/ Modify on the prims ( scripts, sounds,animations, poses, sculpts, etc are not ) so this will at times make the item appear no modify when intfact it is. so you should be able to edit, re-size, tint, etc, the item to your liking.

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