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[[A.R.C.+F.N.]] Soul Reaper Weapon Pack バージョン v0.1

[[A.R.C.+F.N.]] Soul Reaper Weapon Pack

The Soul Reaper weapon was created as a alternative to the Soul Weavers.

Unlike the Soul Weavers, this is a physical weapon (choice of Axe, Scythe, or Sword) and has attacks similar to the Soul Weavers but some unique ones of its own!

The Soul Reaper weapons have 8 elements, choice to turn arm effects on and off, and a dash system.

Included in the package is 3 boxed versions, the Axe version, the Scythe version, and the Sword version, all are included as its the same weapon just different physical appearance.

The HUD is to be attached to Center, IT WILL NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY ON ANY OTHER ATTACHMENT POINT. If Center or Center 2 is taken, use "Add" to wear the HUD.

Included in this package:

Boxed Scythe version of the weapon.
Boxed Axe version of the weapon.
Boxed Sword Version of the weapon.

Quick review of the attacks:

1) Soul Spears; you create spears that are directed to the nearest person infront of you, if no one than default range is 10meters infront of you.

2) Enslave; Just like the Soul Weavers version, no real change here. Traps your target in chains for roughly 20 seconds.

3) Revenge; Similar to the Retribution attack of the Soul Weavers, but with dangerous slashes that rapidly cut your target to pieces.

4) Soul Ripper; This was created after exerimenting with some physic tweaks. You focus your energy to rip apart anything and everything around you, sending physical objects flying (tested on multiple 10x10x10meter prims, sent them flying across the sim) and spins avatars around (does ilttle push on avatars because the differences in the physics between object and avatar, but instead spins them rapidly around you, perfect for making someone lose track who they are after)

5) Soul Slash; Similar to Soul Pierce, but instead you send a massive slash of energy at your target, causing massive damage. (LL Damage)

6) Banish; Just like in the Soul Weavers, blast your target with pillars of spiritual energy based on the element you have picked.

Weapon Usage:

Simply click the Weapon button on the HUD to toggle the weapon (weapon can only be turned on if Dash is off, and vice versa, to avoid abuse of this weapon in RP areas)

The slash effects are highly detailed, being that its a spirit/energy, enegy flows around you in all directions and spins wildly as you swing.

Also pressing the Jump button (page up) while holding the mouse button causes you to jump into the air and send slashes flying straight ahead, blasting anything it hits with a pillar of energy.

Dash Usage:

Please note Dash can only be turned on when the Weapon is OFF

Simply double tap any arrow key to dash in that direction, in and out of mouselook.

Any questions, or issues found, please contact Shy Lupindo, perferably by Notecard.

All prims are COPY/MOD
All scripts are COPY

Second Life の商品を表示
  • 8 Elements to choose from (color)
  • 3 Weapons, Axe, Scythe, and Sword
評価平均: 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 半分の星 空の星
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Better and worse than I expected...
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 空の星 掲載済み 2014/05/23 : Akyurelia

This is a pretty good weapon, the attack effects are gorgeous, let me just say that, and I love all of the different element(color)options. A review below mentioned the lagginess of the item-- so far I haven't encountered any lag issues, the weapon is working well.
If there's something that I would complain about, it's the lack of attacks. Although the attacks are all very versatile, I'd love to see more in an update, or something similar. Choice of weapon is good, choice of color is good, reasonable lag is good, just work on the number of attacks that we have to choose from.

Buyer Beware
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 空の星 空の星 空の星 掲載済み 2013/05/10 : Margie Zeplin

As for this review, the following is true about this item:

It's a beautiful weapon and the effects and spells are very striking. Sadly, even though I really want to write a positive review, that's where my praise ends.

It's laggy, so don't expect to use it in a laggy sim. It's most striking flaw, however, is that it's a melee weapon you can't melee with. Well, you can, but you have to be outside of mouselook and you are completely stationary while performing a strike or slash (being stuck in one spot is not ideal against an opponent that can not only strike back but also weave and dodge while doing so). If there's another way to melee, the notecard most certainly doesn't explain it.

When I confronted the maker of the weapon about this, they said they didn't have time to fix the melee problem, but assured me if they did fix it in the future that they would give me an update if I joined their group. It costs 10 L to join their group, so I declined.

This weapon is actually not so bad for something costing between 200 and 300 L's. At 1,000 L's, its flaws and complete lack of customer support are too glaring to ignore. That's why it's thoroughly earned a 2 out of 5 star rating from me.

塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2013/04/24 : Aeorazumith

I think its an awesome weapon i think the dash should be tweaked a bit and the weapon should have a little push with its attacks but all in all this is fantastic
