*AUD* Medieval Post & Package Shelves - c/m - 70p 35 li バージョン 2024.1

LISTING UPDATE: 2024, Sep 25th (new prop shop location SURL to see product InWorld updated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 - *AUD* Medieval Post & Package Shelves - c/m - 70p 35 li
1 Product Image for easy remembering what it is...
1 Thank you Notecard
Because all the packages and letters, even some scrolls are individual items linked to the shelves, you can rearrange them, move them around, etc, to customize yours. There's 7 different box and bag package types, about 6 different scroll & scroll group types, and 2 different envelop types which can be moved around.
Take note that some of the packages have string which is its own mesh, so if you decide to move them around, you have to make sure to get both the box and the string in Edit Linked.
IF you were to unlink & delete all (9 of) the shadows seen in the pic of parts, you'd reduce the land impact by 4 (so it'd be 31 instead of 35)
The whole thing is rezzed out at about 3.7 meters tall.
YES! YOU CAN resize it all as one object!
Making it smaller will NOT reduce the land impact-- to do that you'll need to remove a lot of the linked objects.
You can resize it up to about 5 meters tall before the land impact will increase (though, not sure why you'd want it that big unless you're playing giants.)
In my making a post office & print shop, I thought, "Can't be a post office without somewhere to put the packages and letters and such."
I was surprised there wasn't much on the market, so as usual, I made my own. It was made big to fit the space I was working with.
I also included scrolls as well as lettered envelopes with wax seals so it could be played as easily for Medieval as it can be for Western or even Victorian times etc as it was made for a nexus location that allows all.
NOTE: 30% of profits received (after LL's 10%) from the purchase of this product on MP are automatically sent to the Treasurer of the SSCRPG PEF (Play Enhancement Fund) in the amount of 108 L$'s for each one sold.
package, envelope, letter, scroll, scrolls, packages, letters, post, office, wood, western, print, shop, medieval, Victorian, fantasy, decor, product, art, prop, roleplay, SSCRPG, PEF