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Amara Leather Heels "Cream" with free skin toner from purrfect 10

Amara Leather Heels "Cream" with free skin toner from purrfect 10

Purrfect 10 Luxury Designer Footwear
Check out out Marketplace Store for other colours, more Heels and more Boots!


Get these beautiful new Amara Leather Heels from Purrfect 10
With all our heels and boots black is always a secondary colour so whatever colour you choose you will get black too!

* Dual Colour
* Resizable
* Texturable
* 20 Nail colours
* 2 Metal Colours
* SexyWalk + Sounds
* Viewer 2 Alpha
* SkinSync
* Script Efficient
* Redelivery and Automatic updates

Skin Toner.
Our specially designed skin toner makes it super easy to get that perfect skin match.

Skin Sync.
Is a feature of our shoes have so you only need to match your skin tone once to one pair of shoes then you can transfer the colour using the skin sync feature.


VIP members get 25% all full priced items instore and a 10 pairs of gift shoes per year!

Come and check out our store today!

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Dual Colour
  • 20 Nail Colours
  • Easy to use menu
  • Skin Toner - for getting the perfect match
  • Skin Sync - for easy skin matching in multiple pairs
評価平均: 塗りつぶしの星 空の星 空の星 空の星 空の星
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
I can't believe these shoes, have to be a computer expert to wear! I am pretty good but not that good.
塗りつぶしの星 空の星 空の星 空の星 空の星 掲載済み 2014/06/21 : Rachel Stonesoul

Love the shoe it self. But there is no color picker, you have to download something from the internet to wear. I did not understand, everyone I talked to did not understand. I asked the creator for my lindens back. No response. It is so sad. Do not buy these unless you know what this creator is talking about. He does not explain this until you buy the shoes. I have never ever left a bad review like this in the history of being on SL.
