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***AnimAlive BENTO HANDS animator (for AO, dance or furniture). バージョン 2.02.2021 - 6 anims

***AnimAlive BENTO HANDS animator (for AO, dance or furniture).
***AnimAlive BENTO HANDS animator (for AO, dance or furniture).
60 レビュー

Works only with bento hands! Unisex!
---NOW 6 animations cycle---

Do you have tons of AOs, dances or other animations that you really love but they are covered with dust because they dont have bento hands? Take them back! Because here is simple bento hands animator that will allow your fingers move whatever AO or animations you use.

It works perfectly with any non bento AO and dont need to set something - just wear and touch. Or you can link it to your AO and it will start automatically just when you wear your AO.
It also works with usual furniture animations if they dont have bento hands movements. You will like it, I think, because animations become alive with moving fingers ^)

It has 6 bento hands animations, cycled. But ANIMATIONS! Not just common silly poses. Fingers move everytime but dont bother with movements. And it wont mess any bento hands animations when you use some furniture but still your fingers will work if furniture animations have no bento hands movements.

Also you can add your bento animations and poses - just rezz animator and add poses in content.

Has 2 versions inside - wearable and linkable. It is copy and modify so you can link it to all your AOs and dancers!

Love your old AOs back!

Questions? Feel free to IM Iren Tinkel - AnimAlive owner and creator.

Visit our store for tons of fun animated stuff!

PS: try animations in store before purchase. You may not like them or they can not meet your expectations. Also if you dont have money and want it as a gift - no need to buy it and after say tricks and lies that it does not work and soliciting for refund. Just ask me for a gift - I will look if i am able to gift it to you.

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  • 30.11.2017 new
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Perfect for my Belleza body
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2025/01/12 : Ian Zenovka

Glad I found this fab animator. Excellent.

Works perfectly!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2023/11/18 : Rayne Saenz

Had a mesh Android AV whose hands always ended up freezing in the rigid open splayed hand pose, tried countless other HUDs to no avail, just added this one, and so impressed at how well it works! Kudos to the creator for making it so affordable.....


L$ 55



販売元: Iren Tinkel


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。


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