Anime Clothes - Maid Outfit バージョン 3.0
A cutie maid outfit for Default Kemono only.
The cuffs and frill are unrigged and the dress itself is rigged. You can use the "edit linked" function in edit mode if you want to move the bows and the frill around separately.
I included a "Bonus items" box that has HQ and LQ items in it. HQ items add more complexity but keep their shape farther away. LQ are less complex but will deform if you zoom out too much. It's personal preference which one you want to use but I recommend using the HQ items.
Try a demo, before you buy! ^.^
Negative reviews are coming from another store trying to slander my stuff. It is not copybot. It is from MMD. If there are similar or an exact same item, it is because they got it from the same place I did.
Love the outfit and for the price its a great deal
L$ 25
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