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Aphrodite Haunted jar "Vampire skull"

Aphrodite Haunted jar "Vampire skull"
Aphrodite Haunted jar "Vampire skull"
3 レビュー

Decorate your place for Halloween and the Entire Autumn Season!

Halloween is indisputably one of those seasons when decorations make the difference in setting the stage for your guests and parties. Whether you're planning a big Halloween blowout party, or simply want to make the mood festive for trick-or-treaters, begin decorating early and you'll be ready for fun when the big day arrives.

The key to a great Halloween party is the atmosphere. Here are easy decorating tricks for turning your home into a Halloween treat.

No party or home is complete without some really nice "haunted" details trat spooks and surprise your guests right?

What about this Halloween haunted jar?

A very creepy haunted decoration for your haunted house or room, when you click on the jar the lid funnily opens and the vampire skull moves making a scene and lighting the eyes, the skull floats in the dead vampire rests and seems to come alive again making a scene

Something spooky and scary for this Halloween, have fun!

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Second Life の商品を表示
  • halloween decorations
  • haunted house
  • haunted furniture
  • halloween deco
  • vampire
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Great work..!!!!
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/09/24 : bee Tizzy

This decoration are so perfect for my store and my halloweens Costumes & Avatars..:)


L$ 199



<Aphrodite Shop>
販売元: Marina Ramer


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