In the mires of the swamp, will-o-wisps and bogfolk can be found. Perhaps, while passing through the marsh what seems a fallen tree limb was a weapon. Its original owner is long gone and forgotten and the wood seeped through with algae, moss, and the bog itself. The will-o-wisps seem attracted to it, as if it might contain a hidden power beneath the murk.
The blade extends, reaching out from the threatening and grasping grip of it's wooden handle, the blade imbued with it's own magics, encircled by the wisps drawn to it. The cleaver itself includes four options for textures for the wooden base, six texture options for the blade (three of which are bloody versions), and four options for different enchantment styles. As an added option, you can toggle on and of a dripping blood effect that, while subtle, adds a freshly gruesome look to the wicked weapon's tip. A customization HUD allows you to alter the color, glow, transparency and size of every piece of the weapon (including the blade, wood, glow effects, and wispst).
A custom animation overrider HUD ensures that not only will your weapon not clip through you, or end up held through your stomach, but will allow you the choice of how you want to hold it. Poses are quick and easy to swap between, and even able to be combined.
Like all Eldritch products, this weapon will receive never ending, unlimited updates as they are made available.
- Two HUDS, Animation Overrider and customization HUD.
- Touch scripted for changing textures between multiple options.
- Circling wisps, partial and full enchantments, also customizable and toggleable.
- Automatic updates.
- Blood Options
First: I love it! Amazing!
Second: I wish unity maxim was compatible :) or at least modify so someone can convert it for me.
Anyway, it's really amazingly beautiful, as if it was designed for my dryad.
Looks great, no sheath
Version 2 does not come with a sheath just the sword.
This is simply the best weapon I have seen! It's perfect in every way and at an insane price! The only bad thing is there is no sheath, but it doesn't matter, because of the AO, where you can rest it against your shoulder. Just. Great.
As of yet, my favorite weapon. The downside to most weapons is that they aren't very animated. A lot of times I'll buy a sword that looks nice, only to look like a complete square holding it because it's awkwardly parallel to my body, or its somewhere off in no-man's land floating above my head in some silly attempt at a combat stance. This, on the other hand is completely animated to my liking! It has a ton of various forms that make it shine so far above the other swords, and for the price its a steal. Its a godly looking weapon.