Try demo in world!
Shopping IN world shop is cheaper!!!
If you have any questions, please contact me.
This item can be sold and purchased FULL PERM
only by/from coolbigbird. Buying this item from an
UNAUTHORIZED seller will lead to a
DMCA/Copyright infringment report for the
seller and buyer.
Hourglass/Physique/Maitreya/Freya/Isis/Venus/Fine/Curvy(Tonic)/Curvy(eBODY) [JOMO_Dragon/Tiger/werewolf V4/Dog]
Sample texture
Multi-faces map
UV maps
1.The price can not be less than 99L.
2.You are not allowed to give this product, or parts of them in any kind full perm away. for example ,you can not sell it in a suit unless the price ot the suit is higher than the price of the product( at least 10% of it’s current selling price)
3.To use this model to your design, you should make your own texture for it . can't give/send/sell it to others in any king of full perm(etc. put it into any kind of free gift or use it in free hunt),it will cause DMCA.
- cool
- sexy
- hot
- cute
5 Stars for the wonderful Jumper
you are the Best!!!